When the surpress and pretend model of living her life was no longer working, Suzanne Selvester embarked on a journey to find herself. Deep in emotional pain and chaos, she had no choice but to walk a path of self realisation to find some peace. After years of self development and spiritual awareness, she completely transformed her life, overcame her debilitating anxiety and freed herself from the suffering she accepted as normal. This enabled her to live in peace.

When we accept who we are completely and learn to love ourselves unconditional, miracles happen. - Suzanne Selvester 

On Suzanne’s often long and arduous journey, she discovered that taking full responsibility for her life allowed her to grow as a person. She discovered the secrets to inner peace, gained incredible insight on how to live a happy and fulfilled life and her biggest achievement? Surrender. She learned to let go. She now shares this knowledge and helps others do the same.

Acknowledging, honouring and processing your pain, is the key to being free of it. - Suzanne Selvester

The journey is everlasting and Suzanne continues to work on being the best version of herself. She now observes fear as it tries to infiltrate her life, watches doubt as it tries to cloud her decisions and sits with her occasional anxiety until it dissappears, no longer identifying with any of these temporary emotions. Instead she smiles as she observes them, immediately diminishing their power and freeing her from their grip.

 Through writing, speaking and TV presenting, she helps others find a way to peace in their own lives and is certain in her ability to do so.