Dear 2017

For auld lang syne, my jo, for auld lang syne, we’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne. Dear 2017. Farewell, what a year you’ve been. I can categorically state that you will not be missed. You’ve forced us to endure terror attacks, natural disasters, worldwide political madness and devastating events that have changed us all.

In March we had to watch in shock as a car drove through pedestrians on Westminster Bridge. Two short months later at a concert in Manchester, our hearts were broken as 22 innocent people lost their lives because of mindless violence. June saw the senseless and devastating attack at London Bridge and Borough Market giving us the stark realisation that terrorism is very much on our doorstep.

The tragic event of The Grenfell Tower fire, a result of poor management on behalf of the council and cost cutting and greed on behalf of the contractors responsible for installing the deadly cladding that lead to the ferocity of the blaze. We wept at the realisation that those on the higher floors would not make it out with their lives.

In Stockholm, Barcelona and New York to count just a few, you have worn us out with grief and fear, worrying about the world our children will grow up in. Now when our child gets on a train or a plane without us, we no longer think about an accident that may happen, we think about a terror attack.

Hurricane Irma and Maria devastated parts of the Caribbean and the floods in Texas took the lives of many and made many more homeless. To top it all we’ve had to listen to Donald Trump spouting a huge amount of shite and almost provoking a nuclear war with another lunatic in North Korea.

There have been some good memories and thank you for them but most of us are weary, tired and depending on this coming year being great. Please take some time to have a positive word with 2018, ask for more kindness, compassion and love this year. We have been slaves to media propaganda that fuels our fear for too long and are now ready to fight back. Ask 2018 if the news we watch on our TV’s can be good news.

We’ll all do our part. We’ll be nicer to each other, we’ll support each other through adversary. We’ll work hard to make the world a better place because ultimately all we want is our lives to be safe and happy. For the lives of our children, family and friends to be safe and happy and to live in a world were we have more compassion to those less fortunate than us. Those who desperately need our help.

To you 2018. You are a new day, a new week and a new year and you’re warmly welcome. Please bring us peace in 2018. Allow us to live in harmony with our fellow man, allow us to respect each other more and to have more respect for this beautiful planet we live on called earth. Help us to understand that we are all the same, we are souls and that race, colour and religion should have no role in today’s society.

In return we promise to live everyday filled with gratitude and joy for simply being alive. We will try to make the best of everything we have instead of focusing of what we haven’t got and being positive and kind will become a priority for us. We make the vow to live our life with authenticity and grace, appreciating the present moment with compassion and empathy in our hearts.

2017 you let us down but that’s ok, we thank you for the lessons. 2018, For the love of humanity, please make this year a great year.




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