Hello, I'm
Motivational Speaker, Published Writer,
TV Presenter and Best Selling Author.
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New book available now!
When a champagne-fuelled, high-living lifestyle fails to hit the spot. Suzanne seeks fulfilment elsewhere, only to go deeper into unhappiness and emotional chaos. Eventually she finds everything she seeks within, but not before tearing herself apart along the ways.
Launched in March, Champagne and Self Loathing has been flying off the shelves. It is a story of hating yourself, loving yourself, finding yourself and everything in-between. From divorce to dating, spirituality, self awareness and showing off. Suzanne holds nothing back as she recounts her incredible journey to peace.
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About Suzanne
Motivational Speaker, Published Writer,
TV Presenter and Best Selling Author.
Originally from Dublin, Suzanne lives in the UK with her three sons. Having spent most of her life seeking answers, validation, approval, love and purpose, she embarked on an incredible journey of self-realisation.
'Making others responsible for my happiness was the root of my pain' Suzanne Selvester
She discovered happiness lived within, overcame her fear, learned to let go and found a path to inner peace. Making peace with herself is her biggest achievement and self-awareness her greatest passion. Motivating other's to seek their own peace is her purpose in life and something she does through her writing and speaking.
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TV Presenter
Feel Good Factor TV
Suzanne is a presenter for Girls Talk. An exciting talk show about feeling motivated and empowered. She also presents Claire's Kitchen where she spends time on a magical farm in Somerset cooking with the wonderful Claire Lynch. Both shows are part of Feel Good Factor TV on Sky, channel 191.
Let's Talk

Motivational Speaker
'Knowing who your truly are is the first step to transforming your life.' Suzanne Selvester
Suzanne regularly speaks to employees of banks, insurance companies and other corporate institutions. Her talks about being the best version of you are designed to motivate change.
Personal responsibility, happiness, life purpose and making peace with yourself, are just some of the subjects she talks about during these events and her ability to connect with her audience, means they leave feeling motivated and inspired.
speaks at charity events, where her enthusiasm on stage helps raise funds for those who desperately need it. Her talks at Universities are designed to help students to become selfaware, hense guiding them towards success and peace. As a mother to three teenage sons, self awareness is something she believes hugely beneficial at a young age that can help with mental health problems.
Her passion is empowerment, self awareness, self development and speaking your truth. Her desire is to motivate all who listen to her towards self awareness and freedom.
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Survival Mode
The primary need of everyone is to survive; above all else, we have a survival instinct that we can’t ignore.

I'm very excited to share with you an excerpt from my latest self-help book, The Identity Detective.

Find Your Purpose
I was inspired to write this by my nephew Tom Daley who achieved gold at the Tokyo Olympics yesterday. At 11 years old, he declared to the world that he wanted to win a gold medal and at 27...he achieved his dream. What did it take? In his case, sheer hard work and determination, picking himself up time and again, brushing off every failure or bad dive and starting over, but what about you?